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Women,Vessels, & Vines

Women & Vessels; A collection of oil paintings where I am exploring women in the bible and their interactions with Jesus through stories with vessels: Mary and the Alabaster Jar, the Samaritan woman at the well, and Jesus' mother Mary at the wedding at Cana.


I have become so inspired by the Mary who sat at Jesus' feet and was so enthralled with Jesus her only desire was to listen to Him and honor Him. Mary has become a great inspiration to me in a world where we are told we must constantly be productive, striving, working, and "earning" love and acceptance.


The story of Mary and the alabaster jar reminds me that I get to rest in the identity of just being a child of God. He just wants me to come and sit at His feet and anything that comes from doing that is good in His eyes. I'm reminded that Jesus WANTS to have a relationship with me and this means the only "doing" I should be concerned with at times is BEING with Him, humbled and surrendered at His feet<3

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